Division of Ageing

The contributions of our Senior Citizens (i.e., persons who are aged sixty (60) years and older) have impacted and continue to positively impact on the evolution of our society. The population of older persons in Trinidad and Tobago has been increasing exponentially over the past five (5) decades, both in absolute terms and as a percentage of the total population. At present, 13.4% or 177,767 persons out of the total population are over the age of 60 years.

The Division of Ageing (DOA), which was established in August 2003, serves as an umbrella agency within the Ministry to focus on ageing initiatives in Trinidad and Tobago. Its mission is to educate and sensitize key stakeholders and the general public on ageing issues, and to enhance the quality of life of older persons throughout Trinidad and Tobago, by providing an enabling environment for their continued development. The operations of the Division are aligned to the tenets of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) – the Agreement to which, the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago became a signatory, following the United Nation’s Second World Assembly on Ageing held in Madrid, Spain in 2002.

The Division of Ageing is designated as a policy implementation unit and its main goal is to coordinate the implementation of the National Policy on Ageing, which was developed by a Multi-disciplinary Committee and approved by Cabinet in 2006: the policy was launched in July 2007. The Policy addresses (12) priority areas of action that are consistent with those identified in the MIPAA. These priority areas for action are as follows: 

  1. Social Security
  2. Income Security and Employment
  3. Participation, Involvement and Social Inclusion
  4. Dignity and Respect for the Elderly
  5. Healthcare and Standards for hospitals and care facilities
  6. Housing
  7. Education and Training
  8. Recreation
  9. Legislation
  10. Transportation
  11. Disaster Preparedness
  12. Research

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Assist care organizations with quality improvement strategies
  • Oversee the implementation of the Community Care Programme (CCP) in collaboration with the Social Displacement Unit of MSDFS, the Ministry of Health and Regional Health Authorities, the Ministries with responsibility for Community Development and Housing, as well as government-assisted and privately-run Homes for Older Persons.
    • The CCP facilitates the placement of vulnerable older persons aged 55 years and over who have been deinstitutionalized from public health institutions, into Homes for Older Persons in the community that provide congregate living accommodation with suitable care support.
  • Conduct public sensitization programmes nationwide on ageing issues
  • Conduct research on matters pertaining to ageing and older persons
  • Develop and implement programmes and projects for the benefit of older persons
  • Develop standards of care for older persons and facilitate compliance with standards
  • Establish, monitor and provide financial support to Senior Activity Centres in Trinidad
  • Investigate complaints of elder abuse and make referrals to the relevant governing bodies
  • Monitor and coordinate the implementation of the National Policy on Ageing
  • Network with social-sector Ministries, the private sector, and civil society to develop and coordinate the implementation of the National Plan of Action on Ageing
  • Operate an Older Persons Information Centre (Help Desk) to provide information on products and services available to older persons
  • Organize and coordinate training programmes, seminars and workshops for care providers of older persons
  • Provision of subventions to Government Assisted Community Homes for Older Persons.

Other Services Provided

  • Commemorating International Day of Older Persons on October 1
  • Commemorating World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15 annually
  • Hosting an Annual Public Forum for Older Persons
  • Hosting an Annual Retirement Planning Seminars for Public Officers

Legislative Mandate

The Division of Ageing in collaboration with the Ministry of Health is currently reviewing the Homes for Older Persons Act No. 20 of 2007[1] and the Homes for Older Persons Act 2009 regulations. Proclamation of the Act is dependent on the establishment of key administrative structures including inter alia: the full operationalisation of an Inspectorate in the Division of Ageing which will provide oversight of Homes for Older Persons in Trinidad and Tobago (categorized as Types I and II as defined in the Act); and, the identification of adequate alternative spaces and care support arrangements for older persons who are removed from facilities in breach of the Act. The Division is also in the process of finalising manuals for Home Owners on the requirements of the Act and regulations, and preparing for public sensitisation exercises on the Act. Currently, Homes for Older Persons are governed by the Private Hospitals Act No, 2 of 1960.

Legislative Mandate

The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services are currently reviewing the Homes for Older Persons Act 2007 which repealed the former Homes for Older Persons Act, 2000. Additionally, the Ministry is reviewing the Homes for Older Persons Regulations, 2009. Proclamation of the Act is dependent on the establishment of key administrative structures including inter alia: the full operationalisation of an Inspectorate in the Division of Ageing which will provide oversight of Homes for Older Persons in Trinidad and Tobago (categorized as Types I and II as defined in the Act); and, the identification of adequate alternative spaces and care support arrangements for older persons who are removed from facilities in breach of the Act. The Ministry is in the process of publishing a Manual for Homes for Older Persons 2020. This manual is to be used as a guide for homeowners. The manual helps users interpret the Homes for Older Persons Act and Regulations and ensure compliance with the Act. Also, the Ministry is preparing for public sensitisation exercises on the Act. Currently, Homes for Older Persons are governed by the Private Hospitals Act No, 2 of 1960.

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